Wednesday, 26 March 2014

A picture of Rapture

The Malaysian aircraft that vanished on 8th March have gone for the past 17days and it's still not found .Till now nobody knows the where about of the aircraft , more so whether it still exists or it crashed .
Many officials have made speculations to explain the mysterious incident . The families of passangers are worried about their friends and relatives who were onboard and have been missen for the past 17 days . This is simply beyond human understanding .
These are facts I gathered on the internet that contradicts the numerous speculations of officials saying that the airline was hijacked or it crashed .
If the aircraft had crashed ,it would had been easy to find since many parts of destroyed aircraft will naturally float in water.
1.In past cases of aircraft destroyed over the ocean or crashing into the ocean, debris has always been spotted floating on the surface of the water.
That’s because some parts of the airline are non-metallic thus making them susceptible to float in the water .
So If Flight 370 was brought down by an explosion of some sort,As people are speculating , there would be massive debris floating on the ocean, and that debris would not be difficult to spot.
The fact that it has not yet been spotted only adds to the mystery of how Flight 370 appears to have literally vanished from the face of the Earth.
2.The location of the aircraft when it vanished is not a mystery. Air traffic controllers have full details of almost exactly where the aircraft was at the moment it vanished.
They know the location, elevation and airspeed — three pieces of information which can readily be used to estimate the likely location of debris. They’ve seen mid-air explosions before, and they know how debris falls. Could this actually be God reminding us of how the rapture would occur ? It's possible .
The whole incident goes beyond human cognition and it clearly relates to the scripture that talks about rapture . On that day the rapture would take place suddenly . People will vanish within a twinkle of an eye .The media would report the sudden disapperance of people and Scientist and philosophers would try to explain what's going ,but all their efforts would be abortive .
Rapture is when believers would be caught up with Jesus in the air and be taken to heaven .
In 1 Thes 4:15 -18 few facts are important .
16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout ,with the voice of the archangel ,and with the trump of God : and the dead in Christ shall rise first : 17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds ,to meet the Lord in the air : and so shall we ever be with the Lord .
During the rapture ,
*Jesus will return for believers.
*Both the dead and the alive in Christ shall be caught up with him in the air /clouds .
*The dead shall rise first .
*And the rest of us who remain in Christ shall be caught up too .
*Jesus wouldn't return to the earth but would be in the air .
*Afterwards we shall forever be with the Lord in heaven .
The verse 18 of the same scripture has this to say .
18. Wherefore comfort one another with these words.
As believers we must not be afraid of the rapture rather we are admonished to comfort ourselves with the fact that we shall return with Christ to heaven and be with him forever . Amen !
Even if the aircraft is found today am sure march 8 shall forever remain in the history books .
And for those who don't know Jesus yet ,this could be the time for you to do so .Eventhough it couldn't have been the rapture ,it surely paints a picture of it to us all.


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