The Malaysian aircraft that vanished on 8th March have gone for the past 17days and it's still not found .Till now nobody knows the where about of the aircraft , more so whether it still exists or it crashed .
Many officials have made speculations to explain the mysterious incident . The families of passangers are worried about their friends and relatives who were onboard and have been missen for the past 17 days . This is simply beyond human understanding .
These are facts I gathered on the internet that contradicts the numerous speculations of officials saying that the airline was hijacked or it crashed .
If the aircraft had crashed ,it would had been easy to find since many parts of destroyed aircraft will naturally float in water.
1.In past cases of aircraft destroyed over the ocean or crashing into the ocean, debris has always been spotted floating on the surface of the water.
That’s because some parts of the airline are non-metallic thus making them susceptible to float in the water .
So If Flight 370 was brought down by an explosion of some sort,As people are speculating , there would be massive debris floating on the ocean, and that debris would not be difficult to spot.
The fact that it has not yet been spotted only adds to the mystery of how Flight 370 appears to have literally vanished from the face of the Earth.
2.The location of the aircraft when it vanished is not a mystery. Air traffic controllers have full details of almost exactly where the aircraft was at the moment it vanished.
They know the location, elevation and airspeed — three pieces of information which can readily be used to estimate the likely location of debris. They’ve seen mid-air explosions before, and they know how debris falls. Could this actually be God reminding us of how the rapture would occur ? It's possible .
The whole incident goes beyond human cognition and it clearly relates to the scripture that talks about rapture . On that day the rapture would take place suddenly . People will vanish within a twinkle of an eye .The media would report the sudden disapperance of people and Scientist and philosophers would try to explain what's going ,but all their efforts would be abortive .
Rapture is when believers would be caught up with Jesus in the air and be taken to heaven .
In 1 Thes 4:15 -18 few facts are important .
16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout ,with the voice of the archangel ,and with the trump of God : and the dead in Christ shall rise first : 17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds ,to meet the Lord in the air : and so shall we ever be with the Lord .
During the rapture ,
*Jesus will return for believers.
*Both the dead and the alive in Christ shall be caught up with him in the air /clouds .
*The dead shall rise first .
*And the rest of us who remain in Christ shall be caught up too .
*Jesus wouldn't return to the earth but would be in the air .
*Afterwards we shall forever be with the Lord in heaven .
The verse 18 of the same scripture has this to say .
18. Wherefore comfort one another with these words.
As believers we must not be afraid of the rapture rather we are admonished to comfort ourselves with the fact that we shall return with Christ to heaven and be with him forever . Amen !
Even if the aircraft is found today am sure march 8 shall forever remain in the history books .
And for those who don't know Jesus yet ,this could be the time for you to do so .Eventhough it couldn't have been the rapture ,it surely paints a picture of it to us all.
Wednesday, 26 March 2014
Thursday, 13 March 2014
I WONDER WHY I WAS CREATED[my take on the creation story ]
As i keenly read the creation story in Genesis , I was dumbfounded by the way God called things to be by what he spoke .
His word and the Spirit were in action and there was an intercourse between the two resulting in the birth of all things . The scripture said the Spirit was hovering around the face of the waters when God spoke .
Three persons were present in the time of creation :The father ,the word and the Holy Spirit .
God ,his word and the Spirit can't be separated ;they work together . God the father said ' let there be light ' ,his word proceeded to join the Spirit and there was light . When it was time for his word to be made flesh ,the Spirit was once again instrumental.
When it was time for the word made flesh to begin his ministry ,he had to wait for the Spirit to come on him and lead him .
The word and the Spirit are both God . Even human beings are inseparable from their words in that our words show who we are . Our words shows how we articulate speech and express ourselves .likewise , The word of God is deity expressing himself in audible terms .
"And God made the heavens and the earth ".
After creating the earth , something might have happened to it to make it chaos .
The word "without form " is the original rendering tohu meaning formlessness, confusion, unreality, emptiness . nothingness, empty space , that which is empty or unreal wasteland, place of chaos . Suggesting the earth May have existed before but was destroyed . The earth then became chaos ,void and dark.
So before God would create anything there needed to be restoration and order and He had everything in place just for that job . The spirit was hovering around the waters ,suspending in the air ,waiting for a command from God ,then finally it came .
Before anything else could be made ,there had to be light . God spoke light into being and light coexisted with the darkness . He never created darkness it already existed .He never despised it too ,neither did he destroy it. However he used it for his purpose by turning it into night.The light became day and darkness the night .
It was at this stage that he showed how he uses everything both good and bad for his purpose and glory .
After creating light he was ready to create the next thing . He deployed the rule of separation ,separating the waters above from the one below with an expanse . He then called the expanse heaven.
By then the whole earth was filled with water so there needed to be another separation . He then commanded the waters to be gathered at one place separating it from the land .He called it earth and the waters sea . resulting In the three main elements Air ,waters and land .
It was this same elements that the various groups of animals and plants emanates . The land brought forth herbs ,plants ,trees , cattle and grass of their kind ,the seas brought forth fishes ,whales etc of their kind and the birds were created to fly In the air .
"I wonder why i was created"
It was time to create man . God said to the word and the Spirit " let us create man in our own image " so man was created . He was to be the governor ,so to speak to administer the affairs of what was created . My bewilderment was when all authority was given to man. So all things were made so man can govern them .
Finally God commanded "subdue and have dominion . " This was the first assignment given to man . I began contemplating " I wonder why I was created " .
As it turned out ,curiosity doesn't always kill the cat. I realized His commands were straight ,no ambiguity ,clear and unequivocal !
"subdue and have dominion " that was our purpose,our assignment on earth . That was why I was created . I was created to dominate ,and be a solution to the numerous problems confronting this world . I was created to rule ,rule over negative situations .I carry power to bring anything into subservience and what I say comes to pass . Therefore I must impact my generation ,I must Fight hard to change negative circumstances facing this generation. Because I was created to dominate .Born to rule .
His word and the Spirit were in action and there was an intercourse between the two resulting in the birth of all things . The scripture said the Spirit was hovering around the face of the waters when God spoke .
Three persons were present in the time of creation :The father ,the word and the Holy Spirit .
God ,his word and the Spirit can't be separated ;they work together . God the father said ' let there be light ' ,his word proceeded to join the Spirit and there was light . When it was time for his word to be made flesh ,the Spirit was once again instrumental.
When it was time for the word made flesh to begin his ministry ,he had to wait for the Spirit to come on him and lead him .
The word and the Spirit are both God . Even human beings are inseparable from their words in that our words show who we are . Our words shows how we articulate speech and express ourselves .likewise , The word of God is deity expressing himself in audible terms .
"And God made the heavens and the earth ".
After creating the earth , something might have happened to it to make it chaos .
The word "without form " is the original rendering tohu meaning formlessness, confusion, unreality, emptiness . nothingness, empty space , that which is empty or unreal wasteland, place of chaos . Suggesting the earth May have existed before but was destroyed . The earth then became chaos ,void and dark.
So before God would create anything there needed to be restoration and order and He had everything in place just for that job . The spirit was hovering around the waters ,suspending in the air ,waiting for a command from God ,then finally it came .
Before anything else could be made ,there had to be light . God spoke light into being and light coexisted with the darkness . He never created darkness it already existed .He never despised it too ,neither did he destroy it. However he used it for his purpose by turning it into night.The light became day and darkness the night .
It was at this stage that he showed how he uses everything both good and bad for his purpose and glory .
After creating light he was ready to create the next thing . He deployed the rule of separation ,separating the waters above from the one below with an expanse . He then called the expanse heaven.
By then the whole earth was filled with water so there needed to be another separation . He then commanded the waters to be gathered at one place separating it from the land .He called it earth and the waters sea . resulting In the three main elements Air ,waters and land .
It was this same elements that the various groups of animals and plants emanates . The land brought forth herbs ,plants ,trees , cattle and grass of their kind ,the seas brought forth fishes ,whales etc of their kind and the birds were created to fly In the air .
"I wonder why i was created"
It was time to create man . God said to the word and the Spirit " let us create man in our own image " so man was created . He was to be the governor ,so to speak to administer the affairs of what was created . My bewilderment was when all authority was given to man. So all things were made so man can govern them .
Finally God commanded "subdue and have dominion . " This was the first assignment given to man . I began contemplating " I wonder why I was created " .
As it turned out ,curiosity doesn't always kill the cat. I realized His commands were straight ,no ambiguity ,clear and unequivocal !
"subdue and have dominion " that was our purpose,our assignment on earth . That was why I was created . I was created to dominate ,and be a solution to the numerous problems confronting this world . I was created to rule ,rule over negative situations .I carry power to bring anything into subservience and what I say comes to pass . Therefore I must impact my generation ,I must Fight hard to change negative circumstances facing this generation. Because I was created to dominate .Born to rule .
Sunday, 2 March 2014
Speak or forever hold your PEACE
We normally come across the old fashion phrase " Speak or forever hold your peace " during wedding ceremonies ,Normally after the bride and the groom had exchanged their wedding vows . Forever holding your peace means although you had something to say that would have changed the whole nature of the ceremony , you didn't ,so you live forever not being able to do anything about it .
What is noteworthy here is that we too as Christians can make changes to negative circumstances simply by speaking - declaring a word of Faith . Many of us have been silent for far too long and because we aren't speaking we are living forever with the situation , holding our peace . There is such great power in our tongue and things happen when we speak . We have the ability to change negative situations with what we say.
I was thinking about the story of Jesus and the royal official of capernaum in John 4:40 whose child was almost dead . So he came to Jesus and told him about it ,then Jesus said " Go your child will live " it sounded like a simple statement but I realised the power it carried when the man got home and realised his child came alive the moment Jesus spoke a word .
The word of God carries power to heal ,create ,destroy ,make etc . When we believe in the word of God just as the royal official did and speak ,things will begin to fall in place . When we say someone should be healed ,they would ,when we want somethings to change we can make them change just by speaking the word of God .
Proverbs 18:21
Death and life are in the power of the tongue; and those to whom it is dear will have its fruit for their food.
We can't talk about speaking and leave out the tongue . Its actually what grants us the ability to speak .The bible describes the tongue in many ways and most of the time it warns us on how dangerous it can be when misused . Consider it as a fire ;very useful but at the same time very dangerous . what great power our tongue possess .What we say or don't say makes a big difference in our lives and the life of others . Your words can either give life to something / someone or destroy them . As humans we have a high possibility of speaking death (evil )especially when things don't workout the way we want. that's why the text says "death and life and not life and death " .
We are asked to refrain our tongues from evil . For us to enjoy the the fullness of life ,we must keep our tongues from evil and deceitful speech .
1 Peter 3:10 - For he that will love life, and see good days, let him refrain his tongue from evil, and his lips that they speak no guile.
The tongue is evil and can not be tamed .It's a deadly poison .
James 3:8 - But the tongue can no man tame; [it is] an unruly evil, full of deadly poison.
The tongue is like a fire ,it corrupts the whole person and sets the course of his life on fire .
James 3:5 - Even so the tongue is a little member, and boasteth great things. Behold, how great a matter a little fire kindleth!
James 3:6 - And the tongue [is] a fire, a world of iniquity: so is the tongue among our members, that it defileth the whole body, and setteth on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire of hell.
James 1:26 - If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this man's religion [is] vain.
A bridle is a piece of equipment used to direct a horse.It includes both the headstall that holds a bit that goes in the mouth of a horse, and the reins that are attached to the bit. The bridle is used to control the horse and give it direction . without it the horse would move anywhere it pleases . The tongue like the horse must be bridled ,so it refrains from evil .
Proverbs 12:18 - Reckless words pierce like a sword ,but the tongue of the wise brings healing .
We live in a country where people speak recklessly ,not considering the effects their words can have on people . Politicians go on radio stations and feed listeners with harangues of reckless words. The television stations are no exception , the so called "big men " who society respects so much are the same people who create confusions among their followers . Reckless words have driven many countries into war like the genocide in Rwanda which resulted In an estimated 500,000-1,000,000 Rwandans being killed .
Such great power the tongue process . Because of human proclivity to sin ,our tongue can not be tamed totally . Our speech carries great power and so we must learn to say positive things always that would bless others rather than hurt them . Our speech has a great potential for good as well as evil so we must learn to use it wisely . In as much as the tongue can be dangerous ,we still have to speak . Think about how God created the universe . When the darkness was upon the earth and it was empty . When there was chaos and disorder ,He spoke to Change the state of the earth . He spoke things into existence and they obeyed . what if God had been silent ,what if he kept quiet the world would have still been void and chaos . Anytime we speak positively ,orderliness prevails .When we speak positively it's usually the way God does . Speaking his word also changes our lives .
PROPHECY -FORTH-TELLING confession is another way of prophesying .It is also known forth-telling . When discussing the concept of prophecy ,it is normally viewed in two ways ; Foretelling which constitutes predicting what is going to happen in the future and forth-telling which simply means confession or speaking the mind God to his people . If only people would understand this and use their words wisely to better their lives rather than destroy them . Instead of running around for prophecies , we can actually prophecy on ourselves simply by confessing the word of God .
So fellow believers , would you rather hold your peace and live forever with the situation or speak to change negative things in your life ?
What is noteworthy here is that we too as Christians can make changes to negative circumstances simply by speaking - declaring a word of Faith . Many of us have been silent for far too long and because we aren't speaking we are living forever with the situation , holding our peace . There is such great power in our tongue and things happen when we speak . We have the ability to change negative situations with what we say.
I was thinking about the story of Jesus and the royal official of capernaum in John 4:40 whose child was almost dead . So he came to Jesus and told him about it ,then Jesus said " Go your child will live " it sounded like a simple statement but I realised the power it carried when the man got home and realised his child came alive the moment Jesus spoke a word .
The word of God carries power to heal ,create ,destroy ,make etc . When we believe in the word of God just as the royal official did and speak ,things will begin to fall in place . When we say someone should be healed ,they would ,when we want somethings to change we can make them change just by speaking the word of God .
Proverbs 18:21
Death and life are in the power of the tongue; and those to whom it is dear will have its fruit for their food.
We can't talk about speaking and leave out the tongue . Its actually what grants us the ability to speak .The bible describes the tongue in many ways and most of the time it warns us on how dangerous it can be when misused . Consider it as a fire ;very useful but at the same time very dangerous . what great power our tongue possess .What we say or don't say makes a big difference in our lives and the life of others . Your words can either give life to something / someone or destroy them . As humans we have a high possibility of speaking death (evil )especially when things don't workout the way we want. that's why the text says "death and life and not life and death " .
We are asked to refrain our tongues from evil . For us to enjoy the the fullness of life ,we must keep our tongues from evil and deceitful speech .
1 Peter 3:10 - For he that will love life, and see good days, let him refrain his tongue from evil, and his lips that they speak no guile.
The tongue is evil and can not be tamed .It's a deadly poison .
James 3:8 - But the tongue can no man tame; [it is] an unruly evil, full of deadly poison.
The tongue is like a fire ,it corrupts the whole person and sets the course of his life on fire .
James 3:5 - Even so the tongue is a little member, and boasteth great things. Behold, how great a matter a little fire kindleth!
James 3:6 - And the tongue [is] a fire, a world of iniquity: so is the tongue among our members, that it defileth the whole body, and setteth on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire of hell.
James 1:26 - If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this man's religion [is] vain.
A bridle is a piece of equipment used to direct a horse.It includes both the headstall that holds a bit that goes in the mouth of a horse, and the reins that are attached to the bit. The bridle is used to control the horse and give it direction . without it the horse would move anywhere it pleases . The tongue like the horse must be bridled ,so it refrains from evil .
Proverbs 12:18 - Reckless words pierce like a sword ,but the tongue of the wise brings healing .
We live in a country where people speak recklessly ,not considering the effects their words can have on people . Politicians go on radio stations and feed listeners with harangues of reckless words. The television stations are no exception , the so called "big men " who society respects so much are the same people who create confusions among their followers . Reckless words have driven many countries into war like the genocide in Rwanda which resulted In an estimated 500,000-1,000,000 Rwandans being killed .
Such great power the tongue process . Because of human proclivity to sin ,our tongue can not be tamed totally . Our speech carries great power and so we must learn to say positive things always that would bless others rather than hurt them . Our speech has a great potential for good as well as evil so we must learn to use it wisely . In as much as the tongue can be dangerous ,we still have to speak . Think about how God created the universe . When the darkness was upon the earth and it was empty . When there was chaos and disorder ,He spoke to Change the state of the earth . He spoke things into existence and they obeyed . what if God had been silent ,what if he kept quiet the world would have still been void and chaos . Anytime we speak positively ,orderliness prevails .When we speak positively it's usually the way God does . Speaking his word also changes our lives .
PROPHECY -FORTH-TELLING confession is another way of prophesying .It is also known forth-telling . When discussing the concept of prophecy ,it is normally viewed in two ways ; Foretelling which constitutes predicting what is going to happen in the future and forth-telling which simply means confession or speaking the mind God to his people . If only people would understand this and use their words wisely to better their lives rather than destroy them . Instead of running around for prophecies , we can actually prophecy on ourselves simply by confessing the word of God .
So fellow believers , would you rather hold your peace and live forever with the situation or speak to change negative things in your life ?
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