Saturday, 4 October 2014

Loneliness vs Aloneness

There is a subtle difference between being lonely and being left alone .
It is such subtlety that requires further consideration on the two words .
Loneliness is more of a phsychological phenomena . It implies the tendency of thinking you are alone .Sometimes its not as though people aren't around you ,but rather it's more of an inner longing for something more intimate .
Loneliness is a situation of the mind and a feeling of lacking friendship or social relationship .Being alone can be intentional and planned .
It is the feeling of not having anyone close to you that brings loneliness. Loneliness is one of the weapons the devil uses to play tricks on your mind . It is loneliness (the idea and feeling of being alone ) to gives rise to depression and other "mind viruses".
As a Christian the Bible assures us that we not alone (that is having the thought of being alone) . That means even in our isolation from the social environment ,God is still with us and what's more ,it is in these times that he encounters us .
From the above exegesis, we can make the following inferences :
1.It is possible for one to be alone and yet not experience loneliness .Vice versa .
2. Loneliness isn't just about being alone ; but having the perception of being alone.
3.You can be lonely even when people are around you .
4.Loneliness is a feeling of being alone . It is a trick on the mind .
who are you when nobody is looking ?when you aren't pretending ? when you are left alone ? That's who you really are ! It Is at these moments that God is able to encounter us .
So Jacob was left alone, and a man wrestled with him till daybreak. Genesis 32:24
To be left alone means ,someone or something was with him then left . It wasn't after Jacob was left alone that God wrestled with him till he changed his name .
Oh no !God didn't want to kill Jacob ,far from that,rather so He can change his situation . It is in the same way that God will wrestle us to change our seemingly overwhelming situations .
You see Jacob needed to be blessed .His name meant a thrickster ,supplanter , and a thief and anytime his name was mentioned ,a tag was placed on him -Hey thief ! come here .. But praise be to God , after his encounter ,his name was changed from a thief to prince of Israel . When we encounter God ,we either leave blessed or wounded .
These wounds are truths about ourselves that we must come to grips with . It signifies our negative characters and little foxes hidden within our hearts .
But either ways, when we encounter God we never leave the same .